Our story

Tracebuzz has been active in the field of new customer contact channels since 2009 and has noticed a shift from traditional customer contact channels such as telephony and e-mail to communication channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp. Consumers can communicate quickly, succinctly, and concisely with the use of these channels.

Our history

Tracebuzz was founded in 2009. The scope of the software at that time was to “trace” “buzz”. Until 2013 web care became a priority within organizations in the Netherlands. Organizations increasingly wanted to join a dialogue with customers who shared their experiences on social media channels such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp. For example, Tracebuzz made it possible for organizations to make the transition with their web care teams in an efficient way from reactive customer service to proactive community building. Excellent customer service is increasingly seen as the main differentiation between ambitious organizations.

Certifications and Security

With our ISO® 27001:2017, 9001:2015 and NEN 7510:2017 certifications, we work on the security of our software every day. In addition, we have a strong privacy focus, we conduct regular audits and we train our staff in privacy and security.

Want to know more about what we do to keep our software safe? Click here for more information.


Creating Customer Happiness


The way in which organisations communicate with their customers is changing substantially. Where physical visits and phone calls were the only options years ago, customers now can approach businesses online in countless ways. Tracebuzz has been active in the field of new channels since 2009 and has seen a shift from traditional customer contact channels such as telephony and email to ones such as Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp during that period. Consumers can communicate quickly, briefly and concisely through these channels. Due to the user-friendliness and range, the adoption of these "messaging channels" is very high.

Consumers prefer to ask a question briefly and concisely via messaging, and expect to receive an answer quickly. Tracebuzz has a strong focus on conversation with the customer and is therefore the specialized customer contact solution for social media and messaging.

Our software: Tracebuzz

Tracebuzz offers a customer contact solution for companies using your customer's preferred channels, social media, chat & messaging. All within your companies' digital environment. Communicate succinctly with your customers, exactly as your customers are used to and thus increase customer satisfaction. Put an end to long waiting or turnaround times and the associated high costs.

Our software: Parley

Parley was officially launched in 2017. With Parley integrated into your companies' website or app, you combine the best of live chat and WhatsApp, which is safe and easy to maintain. Integrating an instant messaging solution is a safer and more efficient alternative to existing solutions. With Parley Messaging, your company is always reachable and messages are handled retrieved within the chosen SLA. A chat session is never missed, even if the browser or app is closed. Both the agent and the customer can always access the full conversation history.